Friday, January 3, 2020

The Time Of Early Human Civilization - 3258 Words

Punishment can be dated back to the time of early human civilization. It took a while for human civilization to begin imposing certain laws and regulations that would subsequent an act of crime. During the early time period of 2000 B.C. to 1800 A.D. (2010), ancient Babylonian and Sumerian codes began the model of creating a practice where criminals would be punished for their wrong doings. One of the earliest philosophies of this ancient time was the term Lex talionis or an eye for an eye. This practice is based on the criminal punishment idea of retribution, which means that a criminal deserves to be punished based on the crime committed. As time progressed, new ways of thinking emerged and eventually crime had to be the responsibility of the government because they believed that a crime committed against one citizen was considered to be committed against the whole society. During the enlightenment, great philosophers such as Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham, and John Howard changed the perspective on human life. Prior the enlightenment, people were not rational and they believed that behavior was not a function of their choice. That’s why they highly supported punishment for retribution. However, during post-enlightenment the main purpose of punishment became to deter or stop crime. In hopes of getting criminals of the street, new ways of punishing evolved but mainly it gave development to incarceration. The number of individuals living in correctional facilities acrossShow MoreRelatedCivilization : A World Without Civilization954 Words   |  4 PagesCivilization After being asked the question â€Å"What is Civilization?† I began to consider what civilization meant to me, and what could it have meant for millions of people in the past. 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